Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hotsos Symposium 2012 Speaker Spotlight - Christian Antognini

The Hotsos Symposium 2012 Speaker Spotlight is focusing on Christian Antognini this week. Christian is a returning speaker, and his sessions are always engaging. We think you'll find his topic and abstract especially interesting. Read more about him and his topic below. To view a list of the additional speakers, please go to the Speaker page.

Topic: Shareable Cursors

Abstract: The result of a parse operation is a parent cursor and a child cursor stored in the library cache. Obviously, the aim of storing them in a shared memory area is to allow their reutilization and thereby avoid hard parses. But when can they be reused?

The aim of this presentation is not only to discuss what parent and child cursors are but also, and foremost, to examine in what situations it is possible to reuse them. In doing so, topics such as bind variable peeking, bind variable graduation, adaptive cursor sharing and cardinality feedback will be covered as well.

About Christian: Since 1995, Christian Antognini has focused on understanding how the Oracle database engine works. His main interests include logical and physical database design, the integration of databases with Java applications, the query optimizer and basically everything else related to application performance management and optimization. He is currently working as a senior principal consultant and trainer at Trivadis in Zürich, Switzerland.

If Christian is not helping one of his customers get the most out of Oracle, he is somewhere lecturing on application performance management or new Oracle Database features for developers. In addition to classes and seminars organized by Trivadis, he regularly presents at conferences and user-group meetings. He is a proud member of the OakTable Network.

Christian is the author of the book Troubleshooting Oracle Performance (Apress, 2008).

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